If you are contemplating the thought of opening your own barber shop soon, you will need to prepare for a great deal of work outside the regular activities of a barber. It will be your legal responsibility to ensure the health and safety of your employees, customers, as well as suppliers and other persons that will b or indirectly affected by your activities. You are highly advised to run an extra mile and try to do more than simply comply with the minimum legal requirements. The last thing you will want to deal with will be a workplace accident or having your barber shop robbed one week after the great opening.
Keep in mind good health and safety measures will practically pay for themselves; and they will also give your reputation an extra kick to get you started on the right foot.
Safety Risk Assessments – A Must
Start by making sure your new shop complies with the minimum standards of safety, cleanliness, and comfort.
Have an accident book set up and report all serious employee injuries and other types of accidents and diseases that your employees might suffer from.
Always report serious incidents to the relevant authorities and make sure your activity complies with all the current regulations regarding occupational health and safety.
You will risk having your barber shop be closed down or fined if you fail to comply with the regulations.
Monitor these procedures and see they are accurately carried out constantly.
Make updates when purchasing new equipment or hiring new staff.
Identify potential problems and make sure all your staff is following the safety protocol.
Hire a professional locksmith that handles commercial services if necessary and have them inspect the state of your locks and alarms and recommend the best solutions. This could mean anything from fixing, re-keying, or installing fresh locks, to cutting master kor simple keys, fixing cabinet locks or handling emergency lockouts. If you do not know any good commercial locksmith to handle your problems, get in touch with the guys at nationwidelocksmith.org. They work nonstop to answer emergency lockouts no matter what type of locks they might need to deal with; they only hire licensed and insured professionals with experience in the field and they can provide customers with the full array of commercial, as well as automotive and residential services.
Have them update your locks whenever needed and make sure your access doors have double cylinder deadbolt locks installed or similarly sturdy locks.
Protect The Premises & Prevent Crime
Strengthen or replace entry doors and windows, and do the same with the locks;
Installing alarm systems with surveilance cameras that can record and broadcast real time images nonstop;
Fit grilles and shutters and install small-keyed locks on the windows;
If the doors leading to the staff areas are not yet lockable, fix this by calling a locksmith;
Buy a safe for storing your most valuable tools and cash and periodically have the locks maintained and repaired;
Place signs letting passers-by know there is an alarm installed and working; it will deter most burglars and also lower your insurance premium with most insurance companies.
Install a panic alarm so you can immediately summon the police if your customers' or staff's physical integrity is being threatened by an intruder.